Nyan Cat: The Space Journey is a colorful arcade in which the players must try to guide the mythical flying-rainbow-toast-cat through space, avoiding different obstacles and trying to collect as many coins as possible.
As you collect coins, you can buy upgrades for your Nyan Cat. You can buy different costumes, such as an astronaut suit. There's even a fun devil costume that your Nyan Cat will look adorable in.
The mechanics of Nyan Cat: The Space Journey is slightly different from that of Endless Runner. Instead of having to tilt the screen, or press on the sides of the screen, you'll have to use your finger to guide Nyan Cat. You use your finger to indicate its path, which means you have to always pay attention.
One of the strong points of Nyan Cat: The Space Journey is its colorful graphics, which will bring you through different constellations and galaxies filled with craziness and color.
Nyan Cat: The Space Journey is a wild, fun adventure that all users will enjoy.
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